Training Day #76

26 06 2012

(a.k.a. “Sometimes We All Take Diggers”)

Tonight I headed out on a run. I hadn’t run since my race on Saturday and I felt my body longing to get out and go. I was craving a run. I like that feeling. πŸ™‚

My legs had other ideas, though, when I first started out. They felt like Jello. It took them close to three miles to come around and join the run with the rest of my body.

After that, the run was clicking and feeling really good…

…until I hit 3.6-miles and something happened. I can’t even explain what it was – did I just lose my balance? did I “blackout” forΒ a split-second? did I trip over an invisible foot in the road? All I know is that I started falling. I attempted to correct myself, but I went down anyway.

Knee first. Hand. Elbow. Then my body flipped right over my left shoulder in some sort of weird somersault motion. My graceful fall ended in the ditch. I sat there in stunned motionless silence for a minute and then looked myself over.

Thankfully, my knee strap kept my knee from being gashed wide open. My hand looked okay, although there was tar in the wound. My elbow and shoulder escaped with hardly a scratch.

I stood up and figured that since I was only 0.4-miles from home I’d run. Run with my left hand up on my shoulder because I wasn’t sure how bad the bleeding would be. And run I did. Probably my fastest interval of the evening.

I’m okay. I washed carefully and drown my wounds with first-aid spray.

We’ll see if I’m up for a run tomorrow. I know that my mind will be.

Training Day #75

22 06 2012

Final Day. I did a short set of bridge work today. As tomorrow I will be running this…


But I’m ready. And excited.Β And nervous, but even more so, excited!

Trying to remember to breathe ’cause I’m really ready to go!

Bring on the bridge! Bring on the 1/4-marathon! I’m ready!!! πŸ™‚

I can’t wait to see this finish line at a little after 8 am tomorrow morning!

Training Day #74

21 06 2012

The quarter marathon is ALMOST here! I’m so excited and nervous and excited!

I ran a short run today. Only 3.6-miles. (I find that funny to be saying “Only 3.6-miles.” Considering a few months ago I would get winded just thinking about running that distance. πŸ˜‰ )

The run felt good. And sweaty. And thankfully NO chafing all thanks to the Gold Bond Friction Defense stick. I love that stuff!

Hard to belive that the 1/4-mari is less than 40 hours away! πŸ˜€

Training Day #73

20 06 2012

Still hot. Still humid. Still windy.

I’m still running midday.

I’m starting to taper my training for my race on Saturday. I’m thankful for fewer miles in this weather.

I’m also thankful that according to the weather channel, they are predicting overcast skies with temperatures in the upper 60s for race time. That sounds fantastic right now! πŸ˜‰

Oh, I’m SUPER thankful for the new Gold Bond Friction Defense stick. It totally rocks! And completely saved me from the runner’s chafe yet again today.

Training Day #72

18 06 2012

So, I’m kind of on my own this week. I’m still using the coaching from PRT “8 weeks to 10k” program, but setting up my own run time.

Today’s run was very hot, humid, and windy. Rather than kill myself in training runs before Saturday’s 1/4-mari, I decided to incorporate short walking intervals for every 12 minutes of running. That seemed to work out well for me. The walks gave me just enough time to bring my heart rate down a bit so that I could get through another 12 minutes of running.

I’m thankful for the early start for Saturday’s race. The conditions at that time should be cooler than conditions that I’ve done some training in. That should leave me feeling more capable to conquer the race.

Training Day #71

16 06 2012

Week 8, Day 4. +

I turned today into a 7-mile run, complete with running our nearby highway overpass four times.

I am going to be ready for the 1/4-marathon next Saturday. I feel good about that. πŸ™‚

I also feel good about completing the “8 weeks to 10k” Personal Running Trainer program. I still might be pretty slow, but I’m doing it. πŸ˜‰


Training Day #70

15 06 2012

Week 8, Day 3.

I actually intended to follow today’s training schedule completely. Except I ended up changing everything mid-run. It’s hot out today. I didn’t hydrate enough. I started feeling nauseous and a little light-headed and decided to cut my run short today.

I’m disappointed, but wanted to be safe.

I’m planning a long run tomorrow, but also planning to start it before we hit the heat of midday.

Body Pump Thursday

14 06 2012

New routine, well, sort of…

Body Pump class Thursday’s at noon.

It will be kind of hit and miss this month. Like next week, I won’t go since I have the 1/4-marathon on Saturday, but I do enjoy it anytime that I can get there.

The push-ups are killer, though. Someday, I’ll be able to get through more. Someday…Β  πŸ˜‰

I do find that the class helps loosen my quads and hamstrings when they are tight. (like they were today)

Off to enjoy some pizza with my family…

Training Day #69

13 06 2012

Week 8, Day 2. (still doing my own thing, though…)

Tonight, I feel like Jello. I pushed myself for my longest run yet, 6.5-miles! It was tough, but doable.

I came back so hungry (since I ran while the rest of my family ate supper) and wolfed down my food. Not the best idea. My stomach was already being plagued by running-induced GI issues and stuffing that food in my gut didn’t help things. 😦 I guess that I shouldn’t be surprised that the GI issues returned. Hopefully with my mileage up a bit right now, the issues will go away before the 1/4-marathon on the 23rd. I hope…

Training Day #68

11 06 2012

Week 8, Day 1.

Well, sort of. I’m really making my own training schedule leading up to the 1/4-marathon, especially since the download for the week didn’t configure right and kicked out a minute into my run. On today’s schedule, run 5-3/4 miles.

Today’s run was pretty warm (mid-80’s) in the midday sun. I felt the autopilot kick-in around 1.5 miles, but then felt it turn off at 3.5 miles. I had to really push myself to finish, but I did. Proving to myself, again, that I can run further than I feel capable of and I will be able to run a complete 1/4-marathon if I keep up with my training.

I’m looking forward to the cooler temperatures for my Wednesday training run. πŸ™‚