Training Day #4

24 01 2012

This morning is my “day off” from helping in the classroom at Olivia’s school, so I used it to meet with my doctor to discuss my medications. Usually when I go into the doctor, I am embarrassed to have to step on the scale in front of the tiny, little nurses. Today, though, I wasn’t nervous, since I knew what my weight should be. It’s more than what I want it to be, but I know that I’m in the process of making some positive changes. I was actually curious to see what it read. It was two pounds less than I expected! Yahoo! That made my day! 🙂 (With our old scale, I always weighed in about ten pounds more than what our at home scale read. I like it this way much better!)

After discussing my medications and upping my thyroid med, the doctor found that my ears are full of fluid. Fun. She figured allergies. OK. I can deal with that.

I decided to get my running in this morning while the kids were both at school. Week two. Twice as much running as last week. It was challenging today. My lungs were burning by the end of the running segments. But, I did it. Whew. I’m hoping that my next day out is easier. 🙂

(The best part about my doctor’s visit this morning is that my heart rate and blood pressure were at great numbers even though I was feeling very stressed after an extremely unusal morning with the kids!)