Training Day #15

19 02 2012

PRT Repeat of Week 4, Day 3 (one last time).

I was kind of concerned about my run today. Wondering whether or not I should actually get my butt out there and do it.

You see, my son was up at 1:30am and stayed up. I had moved out to our couch once he was up. He would let me barely fall asleep in-between asking me to repeat what he said, acknowledge his new Lego creation, or change the channel on the TV. I am super excited that he wants to include me in what is important to him (as we fought for that for so long). I just wish it wasn’t happening in the middle of the night. (One step at a time, right?!?)

Anyway, before leaving for my run, I was so tired that I felt as though I could fall asleep while on the move. I wasn’t feeling overly motivated and pretty sure that my body would demand a walking segment during my run today.

It didn’t. I actually felt fantastic when running. I finished my mile and felt like I could actually do more. Seriously?!? I’m pretty excited. 🙂 What a feeling of accomplishment!

I can’t wait to start the Personal Running Trainer “8weeks to 5K” program on Wednesday. I finally feel ready for it!

Training Day #14+

17 02 2012

Repeat of Week 4, Day 3. I treadmill ran this morning and did OK. I felt really tired by the last tenth of a mile. Maybe it was because I went to an hour-long Body Pump class first?!? 😉 I couldn’t help myself and this instructor pushed a bit more than the Tuesday instructor. Oh well, I survived, but now I just really want to nap… 😉

You know what? I’m actually looking forward to start training for the 5K next week. I never thought that would happen to me!

Actual Training Day #13

16 02 2012

OK. So yesterday turned into a dud of a day, training-wise, but I did get lots of rest. I still wasn’t feeling 100% when I got up this morning, but good enough to go about my “normal” Thursday morning routine.

We have been blessed with another beautifully warm and sunny February day in Wisconsin. I had to get out and run. I was glad to be back out, but still not feeling the greatest. I ended up throwing an unplanned 45-sec. walk into the middle of my run, but my body thanked me by allowing a pace-pickup after my stroll.

I have my next run scheduled for tomorrow. I’m hoping to feel even better by then.

Training Day #12

12 02 2012

Week 4, Day 3. (No blizzard. Thank goodness!)

Final Day of the “4weeks to 1 mile” training program with the Personal Running Trainer. Guess what that means … that’s right, I ran a mile nonstop! Yippee!

I have to say that it wasn’t my easiest run today. I was very winded when I was done, but I did it and it didn’t take long during my cooldown walk to calm my body back down to my regular breath and heartrate.

My plan for my three running days next week is just to keep at this 1 mile (running week4, day3 every day), running it straight through with no breaks. I am hoping that each of these runs will become a bit easier than the one before.

I am definitely feeling much healthier. That, in and of itself, means the world to me.

Training Day #11

10 02 2012

Week 4, Day 2.

Since both of my kids were off of school today, I had to take advantage of my husband’s lunch hour and just head outside for a road run. Unfortunately, the light snow showers that were forecasted for this morning turned into blizzard conditions.

View out the front door - 1/2 hr before my run

This picture actually doesn’t do the conditions any justice. By the time I got out the door, the wind had picked up and sometimes I couldn’t even see the road 30 ft in front of me. (Some of the drifts were up to mid-calf level, too.)

I was eager to run, though, and it is a scheduled training day, so I bundled up good and headed out.

My body felt good while running. That was an awesome feeling! My cooldown walk ended up being five minutes longer than usual because of needing to walk into the wind on the way home.

Whatever the weather, I’m happy that I made it out today and am looking forward to my first uninterrupted 1+ mile run on Sunday.

Training Day #10 +

9 02 2012

Monday – day off.

Tuesday – Body Pump. I worked hard and was expecting to hurt like I did last week, but incredibly I didn’t. Either my body is adjusting to all of the work that I’m putting it through or I didn’t work myself as hard as I thought I did. I guess we’ll see when I go back next Tuesday.

Wednesday – Week 4, Day 1. It is my last week using the PRT “4 weeks to 1 mile” training schedule. There is much more continuous running this week. I wondered how I would do, but I did OK. Pretty good, actually. I’m looking forward to seeing how I do on Friday with only a very short walking break within my run. (Still wasn’t sore from the Body Pump. What a change from last week!)

Thursday – I had both kids home today. Wasn’t able to squeeze a workout in. That made me a little antsy. I actually miss the stress-relief that a good workout brings and actually felt hungrier for food (especially sweets) later in the afternoon. It is interesting to be aware of that now. I’m looking forward to getting out for my run tomorrow, even if it will not be on the treadmill like my Friday runs usually are.

Training Day #9

5 02 2012

Week 3, Day 3.

Today was a road running day for me. Beautiful day, especially for a February day in Wisconsin. Mid-30’s and sunny. No ice or snow on the road.

I felt good running today. That excited me. 🙂 I worked on my form and technique – trying to waste less energy while propelling myself forward. I am feeling better about that now, too.

It’s hard to believe that my next running day isn’t scheduled until Wednesday. I actually look forward to my runs now. 🙂

(On a somewhat related note, as I was running today, my workout pants kept slipping down! My pants are too big now! Awesome. 🙂 )

Training Day #8

3 02 2012

Week 3, Day 2.

This morning I didn’t need to help out at school, so I decided to spend the morning at the Y. I attended my first ever Pilates class. It was definitely a different type of workout. I liked all of the focus on the core muscles. I’m not sure if I will continue to attend this class, but I might as some of the other “core classes” that are offered are at times when I just can’t make it. We’ll see.

After class, I jumped on a nearby treadmill and got to my run. It felt really good today. I felt relaxed and excited to be running. I was working hard today on maintaining good form and technique and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds to concentrate on those things. (As I do when I’m road running.) Big mistake! I opened my eyes just in time to realize that I was now running on the last few inches of the treadmill belt. I tried REALLY hard to propel myself forward, but it didn’t work and I went flying off the back. Thankfully, I landed on my feet, so I just looked around, smiled at the onlookers, and hopped back on. Oh well, I think that I added some humor to my day. 😉

Training Day #7

1 02 2012

Week 3, Day 1.

I have to say that I was a little scared starting out today. My legs are KILLING me from my body pump workout yesterday. (From what I’ve heard, that means that I did it right. 😉 ) I wasn’t sure if I would be able to push through the increased running vs. walking time. Would my legs hold out? Would my lungs hold out?

They did.

And it felt amazing to finish.

I did it.


You know, now I’m looking forward to Friday. The fear is gone and that feels empowering…

Training Day #6

28 01 2012

Oh treadmill, how I love thee…

My husband and I decided to re-establish our Y membership as this morning. While I was there, I decided to jump on one of the treadmills and do my run for the day. Week 2, Day 3. It felt SO GOOD to run today! I felt like I could have kept on running (I had to resist the urge to do so).

I have been having lots of problems with my knees and shin/calves lately. The running on our road seems to be especially hard on my left leg since the road slopes downward (we’re in the country) to aid in water drainage. Between the sloping and the ice/snow/slush mix lately, it is hard to get a decent foothold. Therefore, the aches and pains happen.

I think that I’ll have to plan one day a week for a run on the treadmill. It was awesome and motivating. Just what I needed after this tough training week.

(Also planning to visit the Y for cross-training classes twice a week – I’m looking at the Body Pump & Pilates classes.)