Body Pump Tuesday

6 03 2012

OK. I was Body Pumping this morning and loved every minute of it (once I got there). I was super tired and actually considered not going, but I’m glad I dragged my sorry butt over to class. It always makes my day. 🙂 (I’m just hoping that I didn’t strain my bicep again this week. It feels fine, but it didn’t start hurting ’til Wednesday last week either. We’ll see…)

The weather is gorgeous today. I actually kind of wish that it was a road running day — sunny, in the low-50s. Maybe it will be just as nice tomorrow. It did make all of the errand-running that I had to do today much nicer, though.

Here’s a question — why is it that the last two weeks when I consume more net calories in a day I lose more weight when I get on the scale the next morning??? It just seems that this shouldn’t be. Any insight would be appreciated. 🙂

Also Body Pumped this morning in my Zem 360s. I enjoyed it, except for the lunges. Those do NOT work well in these shoes! Errand-running, however, was perfectly lovely in the Zems. über comfy.



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